This month, we want to highlight the many recent successes of our My Path Forward Program. We have celebrated high school graduations and new jobs and held many community events, strengthening and broadening the network of each youth. My Path Forward is a collaboration between our organization and the Better Housing Coalition. It was established because we recognize the need for systemic change on both the policy and administrative fronts to improve the outcomes of children and youth in the foster care system and aged-out foster care youth.
One in five kids ages out of foster care at the age of 18 or older in Virginia. Virginia ranks among the worst in the country for the percentage of children who age out of foster care without being adopted.
Because of this, we brought together a panel of experts, including participants in the My Path Forward program, to identify policy recommendations that will improve the life outcomes of youth who have aged out of foster care.
“Virginia is positioned so poorly with the number of youth we have aging out of foster care. By implementing systemic change, ideally, we wouldn’t need a program helping aged-out youth because no youth would be aging out of foster care. We want to serve our clients the best we can, but we also want to address systemic changes so our clients aren’t in these situations to begin with.” – Cassie Plevelich, CHSVA Policy Director
Foster youth who transition out of care without strong connections are more likely to become homeless, be diagnosed with mental health disorders, suffer from substance abuse, and become involved in the juvenile justice system. Data shows extended foster care is associated with improved access to services and positive outcomes for older youth ages 18 to 21.
Keep reading to learn more about our My Path Forward Program and what we have been up to this summer.
My Path Forward: Helping Aged-Out Foster Youth
My Path Forward provides housing and wrap-around services for aged-out foster care youth in Virginia. Our experienced staff tailors plans for each youth to meet their unique needs and develop their talents, ensuring they are getting ahead in life and achieving the independence they seek.
My Path Forward has two main programs: a licensed independent living arrangement for youth ages 17 to 20 and an extended services and apartment program for youth ages 21 to 25.
The My Path Forward-Independent Living Arrangement (MPF-ILA) is an innovative program serving young adults ages 17 to 20 who have aged out of foster care and are participating in Fostering Futures. MPF-ILA is a more structured program with increased supervision and more intensive services.
Our goal with MPF-ILA is for each youth to reach independence and successfully navigate the increasingly complex world of adulthood.
The Extended Services and Apartment Program is a housing program for young adults, typically between the ages of 21 and 25, who are prepared to transition into a more independent lifestyle while utilizing case management and life skills coaching to reach their aspirations.
Each participant has access to critical basics for both programs, including transportation, medical and mental health services, life skills training, support, and essential living items. We coach each youth as they pursue their educational, career, and personal goals to ensure a smooth transition into independence.
We aim for each young adult to achieve independence and build healthy, permanent connections with adults who will provide a lifetime of support and guidance.
My Path Forward Recent Stories
Teens who age out of foster care without being adopted have a 42% chance of dropping out of high school.
In May, we proudly celebrated three high school graduates, and in June, one youth graduated from Level Up, an audiovisual program. We also currently have one youth enrolled in a GED Program.
Our staff continues to champion the importance of education and higher education for all youth. We support educational goals by assisting our youth in highlighting their skills and passions to establish subject or study interests, securing funding resources, helping them complete applications, and collecting and acquiring required documents like transcripts and birth certificates. We help ensure that youth feel supported through any barrier or challenge that may arise with reaching their educational dreams.
Our team also recently welcomed a youth who was enrolled in a college in Ohio and transitioned to Virginia to achieve her academic goals. This young woman aspires to become a specialized mechanic and is currently pursuing automotive training and an apprenticeship.
We have seen significant advances in assisting youth with employment and professional development. Approximately 70% of program youth are currently employed, and the team is actively helping the other youth develop their resumes, hone their interview skills, and seek employment opportunities.
Skill Building and Opportunities for Community Engagement
We are committed to ensuring that program youth can develop the necessary independent living skills to propel them into a successful adulthood. The team sponsors a variety of opportunities to provide coaching and tools to strengthen current skills and build in areas where youth may have deficits. Some recent events included a nutrition and cooking activity and a mental health and financial workshop.

Young adults need to have fun and get out in the community to increase their networks and village, too! Our youth recently engaged in a bowling night, community festival, and water activities at a Wake the World event sponsored by one of our partners.

Support Virginia Adoption and Aged-Out Foster Care Youth
Youth aging out of Virginia’s foster care system face an uncertain and often daunting future, as many lack the essential support systems and resources necessary to navigate adulthood successfully. These young individuals, who have already endured significant challenges and instability, are at a heightened risk for homelessness, unemployment, and mental health issues. Our collective responsibility is to ensure they do not fall through the cracks.
By providing comprehensive transitional services, mentorship programs, and accessible educational and vocational opportunities, we can empower these resilient young people to build brighter, more stable futures. Our support and investment in their potential honor their struggles and strengthen the fabric of our entire community.
Get involved today! Sign up to be a member of our My Path Forward newsletter to receive the latest updates and news about the progress of the youth enrolled in the program and learn about ways you can help former foster children working toward achieving their dreams.
You can also spread the word by sharing this blog with your friends and family and on your social media channels.
If you want to give financially, participants in My Path Forward need various items throughout the year, such as cleaning supplies, kitchen and bathroom items, and personal hygiene items. You can visit our Wish List page to see what we currently need.
You can also give a gift to our My Path Forward Program. Every dollar makes a difference in a child’s life. Here are some ways we put your gifts to work:
- $500:
- One month of counseling support for a young person who has aged out of foster care
- One year of internet access for two youths to enable them to complete school work and apply for jobs
- $1,000:
- One year of basic needs and emergency expenses for a young person transitioning into adulthood
- One year of books and school supplies for a young college student
- One year of support with emergency car repairs for two young people
- $2,000:
- One year of groceries for a young person learning smart shopping and budgeting
- One year of counseling support for a young person becoming an adult
- One year of utilities and internet access for two young people completing their education and learning to become independent adults
- Warm winter coats, hats, and gloves for ten young people transitioning into adulthood
- One year of vocational training for a young person learning a trade and independence
Help us transform lives and offer hope and opportunity to aged-out foster care youth and those who need it most.