11/22/2022 - 2022 National Adoption Month | Permanency Matters

November is National Adoption Month!  The goals of National Adoption Month include: increasing national awareness of adoption issues. shining a light on the need for adoptive families for older children and teenagers in the foster care system. emphasizing the value of youth engagement. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Adoption Week in 1984. President […]

06/21/2022 - 2022 Anniversary Celebration Recap

Children’s Home Society of Virginia is an adoption agency founded in 1900 to serve Virginia’s neglected and abused youth. In our 122 years, we have been pioneers for at-risk youth. We believe that every child deserves a home and are dedicated to serving youth and families in the Commonwealth. Healthy families are the cornerstone of […]

05/24/2022 - National Foster Care Month and the Importance of Advocacy

May is National Foster Care Month! National Foster Care Month is an initiative of the Children’s Bureau. Each May serves as a time to acknowledge and recognize foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and other members of the community who help youth in foster care find permanent, loving homes. In Virginia, […]

03/21/2022 - Children’s Home Society of Virginia Adoption Programs

The Children’s Home Society of Virginia was founded to build strong, permanent families and lifelong relationships for Virginia’s at-risk children and youth. Since 1900, we have been guided by the fundamental belief that every child deserves a home. We find permanent, loving adoptive homes for children of all ages and provide critical support services to […]

01/31/2022 - Children’s Home Society of Virginia Expands

The number of youth entering the foster care system has never grown at such a steep rate as it is now. There are currently more than 1,700 youth in Virginia foster care waiting to be adopted. Unfortunately, youth enter the foster care system due to neglect, parents’ substance abuse, and physical abuse. We know that […]

11/12/2021 - Adopting Older Children and Teens During National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption Month! We believe that every child deserves a permanent, loving home. Permanency makes all the difference in the life of a child. National Adoption Month has been celebrated every November across the country for more than two decades. November serves as a time to educate local communities through programs, events, and […]

09/03/2021 - What is Wendy’s Wonderful Kids®?

In Virginia, 400 youth age out of foster care each year. These youth are at risk for devastating outcomes, including homelessness, drug use, unemployment, early parenthood, and even incarceration. Fewer than 1 in 6 will graduate from high school. 1 in 4 will be incarcerated within two years. 1 in 5 will be homeless within […]

06/22/2021 - The Need for Adoptive Families is Urgent

According to the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, foster care family inquiries have declined by 30 percent in the state of Virginia within the last six months. Yet, the demand for children and teens needing safe homes is rising.  Indeed, there is a particular need for families who are able to foster and adopt teenagers. Courage and […]