Training Opportunities

Children’s Home Society of Virginia is now offering a variety of training opportunities for educators, staff and foster/adoptive parents.

  • CHSVA offers trainings to benefit and support educators, case workers and foster or adoptive parents
  • Trainings can be held at a CHSVA location or at your facility
  • Trainings vary from 1.5 to 3 hours long
  • There is a small fee for training and participants will receive a certificate upon completion
  • CHSVA provides annual training opportunities for adoptive and foster parents in the fall and spring
  • Training topics vary based on need and request from families

Available Training Topics include: 

  • Interventions for Trauma Exposed Children
  • Understanding Adult and Child Attachment Styles
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • The Brain Architecture Game
  • Trauma 101 (free)

Additional trainings can be created at the request of agencies and/or families.

Fees for training vary depending on the topic and location.

Pre-Service Training for Adoptive Parents

CHSVA conducts our pre-service training several times a year, based on interest from prospective adoptive parents. The training is required prior to completion of a home study for adoption. The purpose of pre-service training is to provide families with an understanding of how abuse and neglect impact a teen’s ability to trust others. Topics include: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs,) trauma and its impact on the brain, attachment and bonding, the stages of child development, the importance of permanency, and the Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). Training is typically held for three Saturdays from 9am-3pm. Sessions are offered for a small fee. Please contact our Foster Care & Adoption Program Manager, Justina Snead, for more information or to schedule an orientation: [email protected]

Featured Training:
Interventions for Trauma Exposed Children

This training provides a brief overview of concepts from TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) created by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross at Texas Christian University. This training helps parents and workers connect with and empower youth. We discuss the importance of adult attachment style when working with children as well as how trauma affects brain development. CHSVA offers this training for both staff and adoptive/foster parents. This training is offered several times throughout the year at our Richmond and Fredericksburg locations.

If you are interested in obtaining more information or scheduling a training please contact:

Justina Snead
Foster Care & Adoption Program Manager
[email protected]